
Relaxing With Lasers – Burning and Watching DVD’s

Posted by Jason Wickersham on

When it comes time to relax and watch a movie or a recording of your favorite TV show, lasers are probably the last thing on your mind.

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Lasers at Work – More Efficent Drilling and Welding

Posted by Jason Wickersham on

Except for computer controls, not since Henry Ford’s invention of the assembly line has a technology had a more significant effect on manufacturing. 

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Color Corrected Aspheric Lenses Reduce both Spherical and Chromatic Aberration

Posted by Bill Hill on

When precision and image quality are critical to the performance of an optical assembly, minimizing the number of lenses can become a critical design consideration.

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What Determines the Wavelength of a Laser?

Posted by Jason Wickersham on

The world’s first laser came into the world on May 16, 1960, a little over 50 years ago. Invented by Theodore Maiman, a PhD experimental physicist, it changed the world as we know it. Because of it, millions of blind people are now able to see and machine tools are able to precisely drill holes ranging from a few microns to several millimeters in diameter in the hardest of metals.

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Restoring Your Sight – Lasers in Eye Surgery

Posted by Jason Wickersham on

When the laser was first invented over 50 years ago, hardly anyone envisioned its use in eye surgery. Today, however, the laser has become an indispensable tool for many eye surgeons and has largely replaced the traditional scalpel in many procedures. High Power Laser Pointer are widely used, for example, to counteract the effects of diabetes, to reshape the cornea of the eye to improve sight and to remove cataracts that can impair vision.

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Quality Optics from a Trusted Supplier

American Owned & Operated

Esco Optics is a leading manufacturer of custom and catalog optics, precision optical components, and ITAR optics in the United States.

Military & Defense Supplier

As the leader for military and defense optics in the United States, Esco Optics adheres to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations.

ITAR Registered & Compliant

ITAR registered and compliant, Esco manufactures ITAR optics for all of its customers with the strictest confidentiality.