Conversion Tools

Esco Optics provides the resources below for your understanding and calculations in making better decisions for your specific needs. If you have any questions you can contact us at 1-800-922-3726 or email For modifying a catalog optic or a custom optic please use our fast online form.

Our catalog

To view our full catalog of optics, formulas, material data please click here. 

View the Catalog

Esco Optical Calculator

Our calculator brings everything you need for custom optics calculations to one place. It was designed to aid Esco customers, technicians, engineers, students, and industry professionals with access to a comprehensive set of conversion tools and charts. 

Launch Optical Designer

Heraeus® Transmission Calculator

Glass Reference

Flatness Conversion Table

Angle and Photometric Conversion Chart

Density Conversion Chart

Quality Optics from a Trusted Supplier

American Owned & Operated

Esco Optics is a leading manufacturer of custom and catalog optics, precision optical components, and ITAR optics in the United States.

Military & Defense Supplier

As the leader for military and defense optics in the United States, Esco Optics adheres to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations.

ITAR Registered & Compliant

ITAR registered and compliant, Esco manufactures ITAR optics for all of its customers with the strictest confidentiality.