
Concepts in Light and Optics – Lenses – Part 3

Posted by Bill Hill on

Having covered the basic types of lens configurations, as well as, the mechanical parameters used to define a lens shape, we will now discuss how opticians and fabricators characterize the precision of lens surfaces.

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Esco Optics is proud to sponsor the 17th Annual Western New York Optics Golf Tournament

Posted by Steve Rowe on

Now in its 17th year, we look forward to this Thursday’s Western New York Optics Golf Tournament benefiting the Golisano Childrens Hospital.

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Concepts in Light and Optics – Lenses – Part 2

Posted by Bill Hill on

Now that we’ve covered the basic type of lens configurations and how, by design, lenses either converge (focus) or diverge light, we can begin to explore the various characteristics that define their physical shape. Overall, there are many parameters that govern the performance of a lens. As previously discussed, it is the specific optical properties of a given material, namely its refractive index and dispersion, that influence light’s behavior when passing between mediums. Opticians build upon these carefully controlled properties by generating highly precise curvature (radii) across the surface of their lenses. By combining this curvature in relation to a...

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From the Desk of Lee Steneken

Posted by Lee Steneken on

Dear friends, customers, vendors and competitors, We all know what it’s like to have your business in a groove…or a lull…or even a grind. During Esco’s greatest period of growth, we suffered a devastating tragedy. While we wait for our new facility to be completed, we have found ourselves in an ongoing grind. We have done well to support our continued growth in imperfect conditions, and have made it a point to expand overall market awareness. It has been my main goal to prove to our customers that Esco can handle any situation and rise above it. Since August of 2014, I...

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Concepts in Light and Optics - Lenses - Part 1

Posted by Bill Hill on

A beginners primer on optical lenses what they do and the physics behind manipulating light with lenses. 

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Quality Optics from a Trusted Supplier

American Owned & Operated

Esco Optics is a leading manufacturer of custom and catalog optics, precision optical components, and ITAR optics in the United States.

Military & Defense Supplier

As the leader for military and defense optics in the United States, Esco Optics adheres to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations.

ITAR Registered & Compliant

ITAR registered and compliant, Esco manufactures ITAR optics for all of its customers with the strictest confidentiality.